Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ESET NOD32 SmartSecurity Business Edition v4.0.474 32-Bit/64-Bi

ESET NOD32 SmartSecurity Business Edition v4.0.474 32-Bit/64-Bit

ESET Smart Security is a tightly integrated solution designed to protect computers from a range of threats. Built on the award-winning ESET NOD32® Antivirusand its powerful ThreatSense® engine, ESET Smart Security provides antispyware, antispam and customized firewall features. Utilizing ThreatSense — the industry's most advanced heuristics — the window of vulnerability between virus outbreak and signature update is reduced.
The key advantage of this approach is that individual protection modules are able to communicate together seamlessly, to create unparalleled synergy to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of protection. Moreover, the integrated architecture guarantees optimal utilization of system resources, so ESET Smart Security continues ESET's well know reputation for providing rock solid security in a small footprint that will not slow down an individual's computer.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Internet Security Trends 2009: An Interim Update

Internet Security Trends 2009: An Interim Update
By Zulfikar Ramzan
September 2, 2009 02:38 PM ET

CSO - The effects of cybercrime are far reaching. It would be a difficult task to find someone who has never been affected by malicious Internet activity, or who does not at the very least know someone who has been negatively impacted by cybercriminals. Advances in Internet technology and services continue to open up innumerable opportunities for learning, networking and increasing productivity. However, malware authors, spammers and phishers are also rapidly adopting new and varied attack vectors. If the Internet is to become a safer place, it is imperative to understand the trends and developments taking place in the Internet threat landscape and maintain online security best practices.

In December 2008, Symantec researchers predicted a number of security trends to watch out for in 2009. Now that we are into the second half of the year, it's time to check in on those predictions to see not only how they have panned out, but also what other developments have occurred. What follows is an update on the predictions Symantec made late last year, as well as a few new trends that our analysts have seen develop in the first half of 2009.

A Trends Predictions Check Up

Attackers take advantage of the economic crisis

The global economic recession has been one of the most noticeably exploited bases for attack in 2009. Its impact has been far-reaching and the computer industry is far from immune to its affects. Schemes and scams targeting victims of the recession and touting solutions to its problems are prevalent. Some of the threats are new and some have been around for awhile. These scams include:

* Home foreclosure scams

* Scams targeting people seeking mortgages or refinancing

* Scams exploiting the U.S. economic stimulus packages

* Scams targeting the unemployed with offers almost too good to resist

* Attacks seeking to exploit users of classifieds and online job placement boards

* "Work at home" schemes

Social networking becomes an even more popular attack vector

There's no question that online social networking continues to rise in popularity due to the numerous conveniences and opportunities it provides. There's also no question that social networking provides phishers with a lot more bait than they used to have. Threats can come from all sorts of avenues within a social networking site. Games, links and notifications are the low-hanging fruit for phishers to use as they lead people into dangerous territory. As society picks up one end of the social networking stick, it finds that it inevitably picks up the security problems on the other end

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Internet Users Continue to Amaze with Foolish Passwords

Internet Users Continue to Amaze with Foolish Passwords

It is a disgrace that humans haven’t still got the hang of setting passwords. It seems as though that most internet users have inextricably tethered themselves to a promise of not setting strong-enough passwords, which may force hackers to reconsider their choice of profession for its grueling nature. As you devour more of this story, you will begin to envy hackers for having it stroll-in-the-park easy.

A new study has revealed – rather reiterated - that internet users nonchalantly continue to set unimaginative, fatuous passwords. The study appraised 28,000 passwords that were recently stolen from a U.S website.

Sixteen percent of the users had set their first name as their password. Around fourteen percent chose easiest to recall key combinations, including “1234” and “12345678”. Other users, who apparently don’t rate their mathematical ability highly, chose to steer clear of numbers and settled for passwords such as “AZERTY” and “QWERTY”.

Five percent of the passwords were found to be inspired by popular things and celebrities, including names of movies, TV shows and actors. The strongest password in this category was found to be “Ironman” as it sounds impenetrable.

Three percent of the people reckon passwords are another medium of expression. How else would you explain passwords like “Iloveyou” and “Ihateyou?”

Sunday, July 12, 2009

HelloOX 1.03 – Easyest Symbian OS 9.1/9.2/9.3/9.4 Hacking

HelloOX 1.03 – One step hacking now! 1.03 update

  • MapDrives no longer needed, mapping drives code is now built-in HelloOX, that’s mean hacking is much more easier, one app does all the step!
  • All mapped drives would remove automatic, no reboot needed for removing them
  • Since ROMPatcher doesn’t works on some FP2 device, installing it is now an optional for FP2 user, no patches would apply and add to autostart, must do them manual
  • Some guys complain cannot play N-GAGE games, the main problem is open4all patch applied. So, all ROMPatcher patches would not add to autostart on all device, must do it menual if you want
  • Install rootCerts option removed from Pre FP1 & FP1 device, because installserver is enough. if you wanna install it, please install it menual from E:\HelloOX\updaterD.sisx before uninstall HelloOX
  • Install Modo (a TCB file manger by leftup) is now an optional for all device

*If you hacked your phone already, you don’t have to use this update version to hack it again! An update just make this application better, it will not hack for more!*

The easiest way to hack!

One step hacking for all S60 3rd,fp1,fp2,5800:

Sign and Install HelloOX.1.03.Unsigned.sis, just run it after installed.
***must sign with a 17 capability Dev Cert***
HelloOX does all the rest for you!
Enjoy it!

What HelloOX did?

Pre FP1 & FP1:

  1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
  2. Map Drives
  3. Install ROMPatcher
  4. Apply open4all patch
  5. Move installserver.exe to C:\sys\bin\
  6. Install Modo (optional)
  7. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
  8. Done!


  1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
  2. Map Drives
  3. Install rootCerts
  4. Install ROMPatcher (optional)
  5. Install Modo (optional)
  6. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
  7. Done!


  1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
  2. Map Drives
  3. Install rootCerts
  4. Install ROMPatcher
  5. Apply open4all and ChangeSWIpolicyPath patches
  6. Install Modo (optional)
  7. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
  8. Done!


FP2 & 5800 doesn’t have a working installserver yet! However, ROMPatcher working on some of them. If RP works, the ChangeSWIpolicyPath patch can let you install some unsigned apps, otherwise please sign your apps with leftup cert&key pair included in this package.

Download it here:

Download Here


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Who's hacking your PC?

We go on the hunt for cybercrime's epicentre

Watch a Hollywood film and it'll depict hackers as fast-talking American kids – pale faced, coke swilling, super-smart and capable of doing the impossible. This is, of course, a fiction.
If you were a career computer criminal, would you choose to base yourself in a country with mature computer crime laws and strong-arm enforcers? No. You'd want to be somewhere comparatively lawless. If you're looking for hackers, look east – towards China and Russia – and you'll be barking up the right tree.
That's what the analysts say. But even here myths and rumours get in the way. The Berlin Wall may have fallen but the KGB is still alive and clicking. Beijing has an army of hackers eyeing the West's data. Stories of dark doings and espionage at the keyboard abound. The truth, however, is hard to come by.
Take Russia. While there's no doubt that the ex-Soviet state is genuinely computer-savvy, is there any hard evidence that it poses a greater threat to your PC than, say, South America? In case you're wondering, Brazil is regarded as a leader in banking trojan technology.
Are the Russians phishing like there's no tomorrow? Or are security firms reviving Cold War paranoia in the hope of making 'the enemy' look bigger and uglier, all in order to sell us antivirus software?
10 easy ways to boost your online security
The code war
Boris Miroshnikov seems almost proud of the criminals that he chases through cyberspace. He's a Lieutenant General with the Russian police's Department K, which fights domestic cybercrime. Speaking at the 2005 E-crime Congress in London, Miroshnikov told delegates: "Our software writers are the best in the world; that's why our hackers are the best in the world."
"You're right in thinking that Russia and Eastern Europe are playing a big role in organised webcrime," says Con Mallon, Symantec's Product Marketing Director for Europe, the Middle East and Asia. "Information made public by various arrests of underground economy groups suggests that groups in Russia and Eastern Europe are more organised and professional operations, and that they also possess greater abilities and manufacturing facilities to mass-produce physical credit and debit cards."
Many Russians have been convicted for cybercrime in the past decade. Vasiliy Gorshkov and Alexey Ivanov are from Chelyabinsk, 75 miles from the Kazakhstan border. In 2001, the FBI tricked them into visiting the USA, where they were arrested and charged with 20 counts of conspiracy, fraud and other offences.
In 2004, Department K broke up a criminal gang that had extorted money from nine British bookies, causing a total of over £45million in lost business. And after extorting more than £2million from British companies in 2006 using distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, Ivan Maksakov, Alexander Petrov, and Denis Stepanov were convicted after an international effort by Interpol, the FBI and the UK's now-defunct National High-Tech Crimes Unit.
During their six-month spree, the gang launched over 50 blackmail attempts in 30 countries. When UK based bookmaker CanBet Sports refused to pay the $10,000 demanded, the subsequent DDoS attack saw the company lose around £100,000 per day.
In May 2007, Estonia came under a concerted botnet DDoS attack that knocked out the tiny Baltic state's government, media and business websites, halting its largely web-based banking systems. Similarly, during the Russian invasion of Georgia last year, hackers poured DDoS traffic into the troubled country in order to knock out its infrastructure. But were these hackers Russian?
Reasonable doubts
Ken Munro is Director of the Penetration Testing Division of the National Computer Centre (NCC). "The people who do use botnets are extortionists, and we know there are huge volumes of compromised machines out there, synchronised, ready to run, and you can point them wherever you like," he says. "Who's to say that [the Georgian attack] wasn't another foreign power trying to undermine the Georgian government, and it just happened to coincide with the Russian attack?"
The problem with botnets is that the infected computers could be anywhere. As a result, it's difficult to quantify the amount of cybercrime originating from Russia. "I'm not going to give you a figure," says Munro. "The problem with all these things is that no one genuinely knows. And even with vendors who give you numbers, all they're relying on is what they perceive to be the source IP addresses. That means absolutely nothing, because anyone could use an open proxy on a compromised machine and relay their traffic to any other system in the world."
Even if you trace malicious traffic back to a single machine, it might not be the real source. "It could be some poor home user who's got an XP system sat there on the internet and doesn't know they're being used as a back door," confirms Munro. "So, there's almost no confidence in the statistics."
There's no denying that press reports of Russian hacker convictions are true and that they're on the rise, but there have also been plenty of non-Russian convictions over the last decade. Some of the crimes perpetrated by US and non-Russian European hackers have been very sophisticated.
Take Gabriel Bogdan Ionescu, for example. He's a 22-year-old Romanian currently serving three years in an Italian prison for setting up a cloned copy of the Italian Post Office's website and siphoning off money in a sophisticated phishing scam.
Meanwhile, in the US, Robert Moore was convicted of what, to most people, looked like an ingenious scheme to steal VoIP services and sell them through a second company. In an interview before he was due to start a two-year prison sentence, he described what he had done as being "so easy a caveman could do it". In all, Moore broke into 15 telecommunications providers and "hundreds" of private companies.
And Kiwi hacker Owen Walker, who was convicted in April 2008, managed to create a botnet of 1.3 million compromised computers as his part of a large online crime ring. The botnet was used to siphon off millions of dollars from unsuspecting users' bank accounts.
The now-infamous Estonian DDoS attack of 2007 was initially linked to the Russian government by the press. However, a subsequent investigation revealed that it had been perpetrated by an impromptu 'flashmob' who were angry at the removal of a Russian war statue in the Estonian capital Tallinn. Though the first person to be convicted of the attack, Dmitri Galushkevic, was Russian by birth, he lived in Estonia and attacked from within.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Change Start logo in Xp

I’ve read a number of articles on the internet about changing the text on the Start button in XP. On more than one occasion I’ve seen references to a five (5) letter limitation when the button is renamed. I always wondered if this was true or just an assumption someone made because the default ‘start’ just happened to fit the button size. So, I decided to run a test and see if there really was a five character limit.

First of all just u need to do is download Resource hacker.

Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating systems.

ll its just 541Kb in the size.. click here to go to the download Page

Download Resource Hacker

First Step

The first step is to make a backup copy of the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer. Place it in a folder somewhere on your hard drive where it will be safe. Start Resource Hacker and open explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer.exe
The category we are going to be using is String Table In Resource Hacker. Expand it by clicking the plus sign then navigate down to and expand string 37 followed by highlighting 1033. If you are using the Classic Layout rather than the XP Layout, use number 38. The right hand pane will display the stringtable as shown in Fig. 02. We’re going to modify item 578, currently showing the word “start” just as it displays on the current Start button.

There is no magic here. Just double click on the word “start” so that it’s highlighted, making sure the quotation marks are not part of the highlight. They need to remain in place, surrounding the new text that you’ll type. Go ahead and type your new entry

Second Step – Modify the Registry

Now that the modified explorer.exe has been created it’s necessary to modify the registry so the file will be recognized when the user logs on to the system. If you don’t know how to access the registry I’m not sure this article is for you, but just in case it’s a temporary memory lapse, go to Start (soon to be something else) Run and type regedit in the Open: field. Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon

the right pane (Fig. 05), double click the Shell entry to open the Edit String dialog box as shown in Fig. 06. In Value data: line, enter the name that was used to save the modified explorer.exe file. Click OK.

Close Registry Editor and either log off the system and log back in, or reboot the entire system if that’s your preference. If all went as planned you should see your new Start button with the revised text.

u can ofcource change the text of other Baloon Items , My Computer Name, Favourites and so on many more..

Monday, June 22, 2009

AMD demos 4x4

Criticalmass writes: AMD's upcoming 4x4 gaming platform will cost "substantially" under $1,000 - for the processors at least. So said company VP Pat Moorhead, who showed off a prototype system in the US, though details of the system were kept under wraps.

AMD announced 4x4 last month. It's essentially a two-CPU motherboard rigged for ATI's CrossFire and Nvidia's SLI dual-GPU technology twice over to support four GPUs. Each CPU slot will hold a dual-core Athlon 64 FX processor, so that's four cores. Each chip gets 2GB of dedicated memory, for a total of 4GB. '4x4' is a codename, AMD insists.

The processor company has said it will push the 4x4 platform this coming Christmas. Moorhead said the platform would not be "limited" to hardcore gamers - presumably AMD will promote it to professional content creators too.

Indeed, there's nothing here that no quad-core system will be able to deliver - or, since AMD said this will be possible in due course - and octo-core rig either. AMD's quad-core CPUs will slot into a 4x4 board in place of the two dualies. The big benefit AMD stressed was the system's dual memory buses, one per processor, so there's no logjam at the memory controller as there might be with another chip maker's architecture.

AMD pitched the system as a way to run multiple, processor-hungry apps without degrading the performance of any one of them.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Windows 7 could change our perception of PCs

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

In a recent study from Forrester Research, analysts found that Dell and Hewlett-Packard provided customer experiences that were well below par, while Apple came out on top.

According to the study, which asked 4,500 U.S. consumers to rate the usefulness and enjoyability of products, Dell received a "poor" rating in overall customer experience. The company mustered a "very poor" when it came to the customer's enjoyment using Dell products. HP's experience was rated as "poor," while Apple led the way for computer manufacturers with an overall "good" experience.

Bruce Temkin, the study's author, wrote that while PC manufacturers have some work to do to enhance the consumer's experience, Windows also contributed to the low marks.

"I do think Microsoft's software has a bit to do with it," Temkin wrote. "Consumers don't distinguish problems with the operating system from problems with the PC manufacturer. Bottom line, the Windows ecosystem needs an extreme customer experience makeover."

I agree with Temkin. But I also believe that Windows 7 is the single Windows OS that can improve the consumer's experience.

Aside from compatibility issues, one of my biggest complaints with Windows Vista was its design. Microsoft tried to be too fancy with the look and feel of the OS instead of focusing more on its ease of use. It wasn't an improvement over XP and it ruined my experience.

But Windows 7 is different.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Hacker Quarterly (2600)

The Hacker Quarterly
Current issue: Winter 2008-2009

Notkevin returns after his performance run in "Surrender," what was significant about the show, Redhackt arrives with food, a new Josh Fox film is premiering tonight, this is a fundraising show, special pre-assembled brain machines are being made available tonight, every week will feature a different set of premiums, how to watch "The Prisoner" for free on the Internet, what has happened to the Dot Gov of the Week feature, Mitch Altman is on to discuss the new brain machines, Voltaire tries using a brain machine live on the air, how children can also use brain machines, some feedback to the recent show on the inauguration, the impossibility of being completely objective, criticism of the show from a decade ago, Voltaire describes what the brain machine was like, an update on prior premiums, feedback to the show on sex offenders on MySpace, why it's important to discuss controversial topics rather than avoid them, more on the digital television conversion, Redhackt explains why people need to get over it, debating the issues, Emmanuel discusses a planned change in AT&T Mobility service that will render all of their customers' phones useless in a few months, questioning whether this is fair treatment of their customers, Emmanuel reveals that the story is a hoax he devised to parallel the digital television transition, comparing pledge amounts to everyday expenses. This show includes fundraising.

AMD new plateform

AMD's upcoming 4x4 gaming platform will cost "substantially" under $1,000 - for the processors at least. So said company VP Pat Moorhead, who showed off a prototype system in the US, though details of the system were kept under wraps.AMD announced 4x4 last month. It's essentially a two-CPU motherboard rigged for ATI's CrossFire and Nvidia's SLI dual-GPU technology twice over to support four GPUs. Each CPU slot will hold a dual-core Athlon 64 FX processor, so that's four cores. Each chip gets 2GB of dedicated memory, for a total of 4GB. '4x4' is a codename, AMD insists.